Hibana: Spark 2017 (Japanese Drama)

Hibana: Spark 2017 (Japanese Drama)

 Japanese: 火花
Director: Ryuichi Hiroki, Kazuya Shiraishi, Shuichi Okita, Shinji Kuma, Yasutaka Mori
Writer: Naoki Matayoshi (novel), Masato Kato, Miyuki Takahashi
Network: NHK, Netflix
Episodes: 10
Release Date: June 3, 2016 (Netflix) / February 26 - April 30, 2017 (NHK)
Runtime: Sundays 23:00-23:45 (NHK)

Main Cast:
Kento Hayashi     Kazuki Namioka     Mugi Kadowaki     Masao Yoshii     Hideaki Murata


Tokunaga (Kento Hayashi) is an unpopular comedian. He happens to meet comedian Kamiya (Kazuki Namioka) who has quite a foul mouth and a genius sense of comedy. Tokunaga is strongly attracted to Kamiya and asks if he could mentor him. Kamiya accepts. Every night they talk about comedy while drinking alcohol.

Tokunaga slowly gains popularity as part of his comedy duo. Meanwhile, Kamiya has a hard time because everything doesn't work out. Kamiya falls into debt and suddenly he disappears

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